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网站标题: YouTube网站
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网站介绍:YouTube网站  YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!  YouTube是设立在美国的一个视频分享网站,让使用者上载观看及分享视频短片。它是一个可供网民上载观看及分享视频短片的网站,至今已成为同类型网站的翘楚,并造就多位网上名人和激发网上创作。截止到2006年,它大概有4000万段视频。基本资料  公司类型: Google子公司   成立时间: 2005年2月   总部地点: 美国加州圣布诺市(San Mateo )  重要人物: 乍得·贺利(Chad Hurley),创办人及行政总裁 29岁  陈士骏(Steve Chen),创办人及技术执行长 27岁  贾德·卡林姆(Jawed Karim),创办人及顾问   口号: Broadcast Yourself.(播出自己)  产业: 互联网服务  产品: 短片分享服务  网站: youtube.comYouTube历史  YouTube成立于2005年2月,由乍得·贺利(Chad Hurley)、陈士骏(Steve Chen)、贾德·卡林姆(Jawed Karim)等3名PayPal前雇员创办。其创办原意是为了方便朋友之间分享录影片段,后来逐渐成为网民的回忆储存库和作品发布场所。在台湾出生的创办人之一陈士骏(Steve Chen)在2007年10月回到故乡,并宣布正式成立台湾中文版YouTube。  至2006年,YouTube已有4000万条短片,每天吸引600万人浏览;在成立后的短短15个月,已超越MSN Video与Google Video等竞争对手,成为本世纪最多人浏览的网站。  2006年10月9日,Google公司以16.5亿美元收购了YouTube网站,并与环球唱片、SonyBMG、华纳音乐、哥伦比亚广播公司达成内容授权及保护协议,解除市场对内容--商可能追究侵权内容而升高法律行动的疑虑。  2007年10月17日及18日,YouTube分别开放了中国香港及台湾两地的中文网站。配合YouTube台湾的面世,YouTube与天下杂志、三立电视、中国电视公司、台湾公共广播电视集团、雄狮旅行社等签订内容--合作协议;配合YouTube香港的面世,YouTube已经与香港多个著名机构签下内容--合作协议,包括亚洲电视、香港旅游发展局、香港电台。  2007年10月18日,中国内地开始无法访问YouTube,但在10月31日,可以再度访问Youtube。YouTube介绍  YouTube作为当前行业内最为成功、实力最为强大、影响力颇广的在线视频服务提供商,YouTube的系统每天要处理上千万个视频片段,为全球成千上万的用户提供高水平的视频上传、分发、展示、浏览服务。   通过强有力的技术支持,YouTube提供了对多种格式视频内容的支持,并且在对上传文件规格的规定也放得比较开,容量不超过100M,长度不超过10分钟的视频在这里都是被允许的。   Google 有意收购网络影音分享网站YouTube 的消息,轰动网络世界。  目前担任YouTube 科技长的陈士骏 27 岁,在国三那年和家人一同移民美国,高中毕业后,就读于香槟伊利诺伊州大学计算机科学系,大学最后一学期时,他到在线收付款公司 PayPal 工作,协助拓展中国大陆业务,期间认识香槟伊大校友贺利( Chad Hurley )和卡林姆( Jawed Karim )。   去年2月,失业并负债的陈士骏和赫利在车房构思网上影音共享大计,并找来卡里姆帮忙,YouTube就此诞生。美国创投巨擘“红杉”注资8.97亿港元给YouTube,谋求打造另一个Google,事实证明“红杉”没有押错宝。   YouTube 成立,有“老板背后的老板”之称的美国创投巨擘红衫集团慧眼押宝,助一臂之力。红衫的共同创办人里,有一位是来自中国大陆的张帆。今年 6 月,美国专业杂志 《Bussiness 2.0》 公布全球 50 大企业影响力人士,陈士骏排名第28 。   根据市场调查显示,早于2007年2月,YouTube的访客数目已经超越Google的短片网站,到了7月底,YouTube每月访客数目增加至3050万,而GoogleVideo只有930万,雅虎的YahooVideo则有530万。网站技术    YouTube采用Sorenson Spark与Adobe Flash9提供之影像编码技术,将用户上传影像档案进行压缩转档。今日Youtube影片内容包罗万象,涵盖个人影片及电视节目片段,音乐录像带及家居录影等。YouTube影像品质远不如RealVideo与Windows Media等线上串流技术,但因低带宽需求并可简易地借由Flash Plug-in内嵌于个人的blog或其他网站中而迅速取得压倒性的知名度与成功。有研究与投资公司决策高层指出YouTube的网站流量需求极高,甚至每月需要付大约100万美金的费用,在2006年3月,YouTube开始在网站卖广告。  该网站的视频的播放也是通过Flash技术实现的。Adobe也正在通过这一系列技术,从苹果(Quicktime)、微软(Windows Media)以及Real(Real Media)等在线多媒体内容发布解决方案提供商手中抢夺更多的市场份额。并且希望在互联网上更多地体现其影响力。近期几个重要的事件就部分地可以说明其这一意图:  服务器端的核心 Macromedia Flash Communication Server  更名为 Macromedia Flash Media Server。   推出 Macromedia Flash Media Server 2, 支持CDN, 以及更加强大的Flash视频播放功能(Flash Video Streaming Service)。   客户端的Flash Player发布了最新版本8.0。(8.5也准备就绪了)   Flex 2.0 Beta 2 发布,相关环境也越来越完善。   ActionScript 3.0即将推出。   视频的上传、Tag化、管理、分享。   参与对网站上视频的浏览、评论、评分。   组群功能,建立、寻找、加入以特定兴趣为中心的群。   视频播放列表及视频订阅功能。   提供将视频嵌入用户Web页的接口。影响及评价  网络革命:网民变资讯提供者  科技发达、宽带和摄影器材的普及,使得短片资讯大行其道。这令网民由传统的接收资讯者,变成资讯发布者,网民更可成立自己的私人影院、影片发布站、新闻站,而取代传统的传播媒体。每人都可创立自己的新闻频道,或上载家庭生活短片。在此同时,愈来愈多人欣赏网上短片,令电视的收视逐渐转移至电脑荧幕。  网上社群  不少网民藉自拍短片分享个人珍藏和心得。  侵犯版权  YouTube自成立以来,其短片曾被不少机构和公司批评为侵犯版权,如Saturday Night Live broadcast、NBC Universal、Family Guy videos owners、Turner Media、Sunrise等。被指为侵权的短片在版权持有人要求下,YouTube亦会将之删除。 2007年3月,美国媒体公司Viacom向法院提交了诉状,起诉Youtube及其母公司Google侵犯其作品版权,并要求10亿美元的赔偿。  鼓吹社会不良风气  2006年8月11日至19日,英国极右派团体在YouTube张贴数段恐吓影片,模仿伊斯兰教激进份子“殉道烈士”录像带,每段影片的长度是2-3分钟。影片内容是一群白人男性荷--实弹,手持刀刃棍棒,仿效--份子蒙面装扮,警告所有穆斯林马上离开英国。影片中,一名操威尔士口音的男子警告英国穆斯林若不“回家”就会被活活烧死,并说全英国已有许多“--”受够了穆斯林。英国伊斯兰人权委员会执行长Massoud Shadjareh说,这些影片的出现相当令他忧心。英国反法西斯主义杂志《探照灯》发行人Gerry Gable谴责YouTube容许这类提倡--主义的影片存在。  2006年6月1日,英国独立电视台(ITV)批评YouTube及近似的网站鼓吹--,因为这些网站上传了由手机拍摄的打斗影片。虽然YouTube禁止过份--和--的影片,但 ITV 指与这些网站沟通时有一定困难。  2007年11月7日一位芬兰高中生在youtube上预告后犯下校园--击案。YouTube于事后删除了该人帐户。YouTube 国际化  2007年6月19日,YouTube 于巴黎宣布将开始拓展全球在地化服务,第一波首先推出9种语言版本。目前网站界面可供选取多国语言,也会根据地区结合当地民众的搜寻习惯和热门浏览。  国家/地区 网址 语言 上线时间  全球 (美国) 美国英语 2005年2月15日  英国 英国英语 2007年6月19日  巴西 葡萄牙语 2007年6月19日  法国 法语 2007年6月19日  爱尔兰 爱尔兰英语 2007年6月19日  意大利 意大利语 2007年6月19日  日本 日语 2007年6月19日  荷兰 荷兰语 2007年6月19日  波兰 波兰语 2007年6月19日  西班牙 西班牙语 2007年6月19日  墨西哥 西班牙语 2007年10月10日  中国香港 繁体中文 2007年10月17日  中国台湾 繁体中文 2007年10月18日  新西兰 新西兰英语 2007年10月22日  澳大利亚 澳洲英语 2007年10月22日  加拿大 加拿大英语 2007年11月6日  德国 德语 2007年11月8日  俄罗斯 俄罗斯语 2007年11月13日  土耳其 准备中   2008年8月1日,据IT博客“与G共舞”消息,谷歌下属视频网站Youtube正式支持简体中文,这是谷歌曲线进军中国市场的关键一步。由于中国法律的限制,外资企业谷歌公司无法直接推出针对中国市场的视频网站,但又不想放弃这块快速增长的市场,一直在进行着曲线救国的艰难道路。目前,Youtube提供全球(全部)、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、德国、西班牙、法国、英国、香港、爱尔兰、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、墨西哥、荷兰、新西兰、波兰、俄罗斯、台湾等二十个区域频道,支持简体中文、繁体中文、日语、韩语、英语等15种主要语言。  Youtube今天的改版,将语言与国家(地区)的选项区分开,“语言”概念仅适用于功能界面的,而国家(地区)选项,则适用于像当地用户推荐当地最感兴趣的视频内容,如果你想关注世界不同国家或地区正热门的视频,可以使用此功能切换查看。  近期,国际知名网站纷纷进入中国互联网市场抢夺网民,早先,国际知名SNS网站Facebook也低调推出中文版。英文介绍YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google.The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, UMG and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program.Unregistered users can watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users over the age of 18. The uploading of videos containing defamation, pornography, copyright violations, and material encouraging criminal conduct is prohibited by YouTube\'s terms of service. Accounts of registered users are called \"channels.\"Company historyMain article: History of YouTubeYouTube\'s current headquarters in San Bruno, California.YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal.Hurley studied design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, while Chen and Karim studied computer science together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.According to a story that has often been repeated in the media, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen developed the idea for YouTube during the early months of 2005, after they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen\'s apartment in San Francisco. Jawed Karim did not attend the party and denied that it had occurred, and Chad Hurley commented that the idea that YouTube was founded after a dinner party \"was probably very strengthened by marketing ideas around creating a story that was very digestible.\"YouTube began as a venture-funded technology startup, primarily fro m a US$11.5 million investment by Sequoia Capital between November 2005 and April 2006. YouTube\'s early headquarters were situated above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant in San Mateo, California.The domain name was activated on February 15, 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months.The first YouTube video was entitled Me at the zoo, and shows founder Jawed Karim at San Diego Zoo.The video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and can still be viewed on the site.YouTube offered the public a beta test of the site in May 2005, six months before the official launch in November 2005. The site grew rapidly, and in July 2006 the company announced that more than 65,000 new videos were being uploaded every day, and that the site was receiving 100 million video views per day. According to data published by market research company comScore, YouTube is the dominant provider of online video in the United States, with a market share of around 43 percent and more than six billion videos viewed in January 2009.It is estimated that 20 hours of new videos are uploaded to the site every minute, and that around three quarters of the material comes fro m outside the United States. It is also estimated that in 2007 YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000.In March 2008, YouTube\'s bandwidth costs were estimated at approximately US$1 million a day.Alexa ranks YouTube as the third most visited website on the Internet, behind Yahoo! and Google.The choice of the domain name led to problems for a similarly named website, The owner of the site, Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, filed a lawsuit against YouTube in November 2006 after being overloaded on a regular basis by people looking for YouTube. Universal Tube has since changed the name of its website to October 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had acquired YouTube for US$1.65 billion in Google stock, and the deal was finalized on November 13, 2006. Google does not provide detailed figures for YouTube\'s running costs, and YouTube\'s revenues in 2007 were noted as \"not material\" in a regulatory filing.[18] In June 2008 a Forbes magazine article projected the 2008 revenue at US$200 million, noting progress in advertising sales.In November 2008, YouTube reached an agreement with MGM, Lions Gate Entertainment and CBS which will allow the companies to post full-length films and television shows on the site, accompanied by advertisements. The move is intended to create competition with websites such as Hulu, which features material fro m NBC, Fox, and Disney.Social impactBefore the launch of YouTube in 2005, there were few simple methods available for ordinary computer users who wanted to post videos online. With its easy to use interface, YouTube made it possible for anyone who could use a computer to post a video that millions of people could watch within a few minutes. The wide range of topics covered by YouTube has turned video sharing into one of the most important parts of Internet culture.An early example of the social impact of YouTube was the success of the Bus Uncle video in 2006. It shows an animated conversation between a youth and an older man on a bus in Hong Kong, and was discussed widely in the mainstream media. Another YouTube video to receive extensive coverage is guitar, which features a performance of Pachelbel\'s Canon on an electric guitar. The name of the performer is not given in the video, and after it received millions of views The New York Times revealed the identity of the guitarist as Jeong-Hyun Lim, a 23-year-old fro m South Korea who had recorded the track in his bedroom.YouTube was awarded a 2008 George Foster Peabody Award and cited for being \"a \'Speakers\' Corner\' that both embodies and promotes democracy.\"Copyrighted materialYouTube has been criticized frequently for failing to ensure that its online content adheres to the law of copyright. At the time of uploading a video, YouTube users are shown a screen with the following message:Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself. The Copyright Tips page and the Community Guidelines can help you determine whether your video infringes someone else\'s copyright.Despite this advice, there are still many unauthorized clips fro m television shows, films and music videos on YouTube. YouTube does not view videos before they are posted online, and it is left to copyright holders to issue a takedown notice under the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Organizations including Viacom and the English Premier League have issued lawsuits against YouTube, claiming that it has done too little to prevent the uploading of copyrighted material.[31][32] Viacom, demanding US$1 billion in damages, said that it had found more than 150,000 unauthorized clips of its material on YouTube that had been viewed \"an astounding 1.5 billion times\". YouTube responded by stating that it \"goes far beyond its legal obligations in assisting content owners to protect their works\". Since Viacom issued its lawsuit, YouTube has introduced a system called Video ID, which checks uploaded videos against a database of copyrighted content with the aim of reducing violations.In August 2008, a U.S. court ruled that copyright holders cannot order the removal of an online file without first determining whether the posting reflected fair use of the material. The case involved Stephanie Lenz fro m Gallitzin, Pennsylvania, who had made a home video of her 13-month-old son dancing to Prince\'s song \"Let\'s Go Crazy\" and posted the 29-second video on YouTube.YouTube\'s PrivacyIn July 2008, Viacom won a court ruling requiring YouTube to hand over data detailing the viewing habits of every user who has watched videos on the site. The move led to concerns that the viewing habits of individual users could be identified through a combination of their IP addresses and login names. The decision was criticized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which called the court ruling \"a set-back to privacy rights\".[36] U.S. District Court Judge Louis Stanton dismissed the privacy concerns as \"speculative\", and ordered YouTube to hand over documents totalling around 12 terabytes of data. Judge Stanton rejected Viacom\'s request for YouTube to hand over the source code of its search engine system, saying that there was no evidence that YouTube treated videos infringing copyright differently.Inappropriate contentYouTube has also faced criticism over the offensive content in some of its videos. Although YouTube\'s terms of service forbid the uploading of material likely to be considered inappropriate, the inability to check all videos before they go online means that occasional lapses are inevitable. Controversial areas for videos have included Holocaust denial and the Hillsborough Disaster, in which 96 football fans fro m Liverpool were crushed to death in 1989, conspiracy theories and religion.YouTube relies on its users to flag the content of videos as inappropriate, and a member of staff will view a flagged video to determine whether it violates the site\'s terms of service. In July 2008 the Culture and Media Committee of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom stated that it was \"unimpressed\" with YouTube\'s system for policing its videos, and argued that \"Proactive review of content should be standard practice for sites hosting user generated content.\" YouTube responded by stating: \"We have strict rules on what\'s allowed, and a system that enables anyone who sees inappropriate content to report it to our 24/7 review team and have it dealt with promptly. We educate our community on the rules and include a direct link fro m every YouTube page to make this process as easy as possible for our users. Given the volume of content uploaded on our site, we think this is by far the most effective way to make sure that the tiny minority of videos that break the rules come down quickly.\"BlockingMain article: Blocking of YouTubeSeveral countries have blocked access to YouTube since its inception, including China,Morocco, and Thailand. YouTube is currently blocked in Turkey after controversy over videos deemed insulting to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.Despite the block, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an admitted to journalists that he could access YouTube, since the site is still available in Turkey by using an open proxy.On December 3, 2006, Iran temporarily blocked access to YouTube, along with several other sites, after declaring them as violating social and moral codes of conducts. The YouTube ban came after a video was posted online that appears to show an Iranian soap opera star having --.The block was later lifted and then reinstated after 2009 presidential election.On February 23, 2008, Pakistan blocked YouTube due to \"offensive material\" towards the Islamic faith, including display of the Danish cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. This led to a near global blackout of the YouTube site for around two hours, as the Pakistani block was inadvertently transferred to other countries. Pakistan lifted its block on February 26, 2008.Many Pakistanis circumvented the three-day block by using virtual private network software.Schools in some countries have blocked access to YouTube due to students uploading videos of bullying behavior, school fights, racist behavior, and other inappropriate content.Technical notesComparison of normal, high, and HD quality YouTube videos played in YouTube and their native resolution.Video formatYouTube\'s video playback technology for web users is based on the Adobe Flash Player. This allows the site to display videos with quality comparable to more established video playback technologies (such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and RealPlayer) that generally require the user to download and install a web browser plug-in in order to view video.Viewing Flash video also requires a plug-in, but market research fro m Adobe Systems has found that its Flash plug-in is installed on over 95% of personal computers.Videos uploaded to YouTube are limited to ten minutes in length and a file size of 2 GB.When YouTube was launched in 2005, it was possible for any user to upload videos longer than ten minutes, but YouTube\'s help section now states: \"You can no longer upload videos longer than ten minutes regardless of what type of account you have. Users who had previously been allowed to upload longer content still retain this ability, so you may occasionally see videos that are longer than ten minutes.\" The ten minute limit was introduced in March 2006, after YouTube found that the majority of videos exceeding this length were unauthorized uploads of television shows and films.YouTube accepts videos uploaded in most formats, including .WMV, .--I, .MKV, .MOV, MPEG, .MP4, DivX, .FLV, and .OGG. It also supports 3GP, allowing videos to be uploaded directly fro m a mobile phone.Video qualityYouTube originally offered videos in only one format, but it now has three main formats, as well as a \"mobile\" format, for viewing on mobile phones. The original format, now labeled \"standard quality\", displays videos at a resolution of 320x240 using the Sorenson Spark codec, with mono MP3 audio. This was, at the time, the standard for streaming online videos.\"High quality\" videos, introduced in March 2008, are shown at up to 864x480 with stereo AAC sound.This offers a significant improvement over standard quality. This was followed up in November 2008 by 720p HD support. At the same time, the YouTube player was changed fro m a 4:3 aspect ratio to a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio. 720p videos are shown in full 1280x720 and encoded with the H.264 codec. They also feature stereo audio encoded with AAC.Content accessibilityEmbeddingOne of the key features of YouTube is the ability of users to view its videos on web pages outside the site. Each YouTube video is accompanied by a piece of HTML, which can be used to embed it on a page outside the YouTube website. This functionality is often used to embed YouTube videos in social networking pages and blogs.Mobile phonesSome mobile phones are capable of accessing YouTube videos, dependent on the provider and the data plan. YouTube Mobile[63] was launched in June 2007, and uses RTSP streaming for the video. Not all of YouTube\'s videos are available on the mobile version of the site.Other platformsSince June 2007, YouTube\'s videos have been available for viewing on a range of Apple products. This required YouTube\'s content to be transcoded into Apple\'s preferred video standard, H.264, a process that took several months. YouTube videos can be viewed on devices including Apple TV and the iPhone.A TiVo service update in July 2008 allowed the system to search and play YouTube videos.In January 2009, YouTube launched \"YouTube for TV\", a version of the website tailored for set-top boxes and other TV-based media devices with web browsers, initially allowing its videos to be viewed on the PlayStation 3 and Wii video game consoles. In June 2009, YouTube XL was introduced, which has a simplified interface designed for viewing on a standard television screen.Download In YouTubeYouTube does not usually offer a download link for its videos, and intends that they are viewed through its website interface.A small number of videos, such as the weekly addresses by President Barack Obama, can be downloaded as MP4 files.There are also third-party web sites, applications and browser plug-ins that offer a way to get a download link for all videos on the website.In February 2009, YouTube announced a test service, allowing some partners to offer video downloads for free or for a fee paid through Google Checkout.Plans for YouTube to create a local version in Turkey have run into problems, since the Turkish authorities asked YouTube to set up an office in Turkey, which would be subject to Turkish law. YouTube says that it has no intention of doing this, and that its videos are not subject to Turkish law. Turkish authorities have expressed concerns that YouTube has been used to post videos insulting to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and some material offensive to Muslims.In March 2009, a dispute between YouTube and the Performing Rights Society led to premium music videos being blocked for YouTube users in the United Kingdom. The removal of videos posted by the major record companies occurred after failure to reach agreement on a licensing deal. The Music Publishers\' Association described the decision as \"particularly disappointing\". In April 2009, a similar dispute led to the removal of premium music videos for users in Germany.
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